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 人赵开   副教授(美国康涅狄格大学经济系)

主  人:石莉斯博士




演讲摘要: We provide empirical evidence that negative health shocks reduce earnings. The effect is primarily driven by the participation margin and is concentrated in less educated and poor health individuals. We build a lifecycle model that is consistent with these findings. Working age individuals in the model face health and unemployment shocks and choose whether or not to participate in the labor market or exit and apply for social security disability insurance (SSDI). The probability of getting SSDI benefits depends on both an individual's health status and the number of times they've applied. We use the model to quantify the impact of health inequality on lifetime earnings inequality in the U.S. and to study the role of the SSDI program in shaping the participation distribution of older Americans.


演讲者简介:赵开(Kai Zhao),经济学博士,现任美国康涅狄格大学经济系副教授,博士生导师。曾任教加拿大西安大略大学及担任美联储访问经济学家。主要研究领域包括宏观经济学,财政政策及中国宏观经济,目前已在Journal of Monetary Economics、International Economic Review、Review of Economic Dynamics、 European Economic Review等国际顶级杂志发表论文多篇。