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演讲主题:Data Sciences tor Marketing

主讲人:白培铭  新媒体集团总裁、新比士康(北京)顾问有限公司董事长



演讲摘要:Data now has become the most valuable asset in every line of industries; banking, retailing, financing, etc. What is the role data play in marketing? We shall explore in-depth of the critical roles of data science in today modern marketing. Starting with the basic methodology to define the framework, then on to exploring how to use this new tool in two major marketing functions; awareness and demands generation. Once we have clear understanding of the concept, then introduce some ground-laying theories of using data science, including different models and techniques for using on various scenarios. We then conclude with some best-practices in the today marketing. By the end of this session, the audience should have basic grasp of data science, and able to apply such methods in day- to-day marketing programs to get real benefits of data science.

演讲者简介: 白培铭,新媒体集团总裁、新比士康(北京)顾问有限公司董事长、中南财经政法大学客座教授、湖北经济学院兼职教授、北京服装学院时尚传播学院客座教授。白培铭先生1982年毕业于台湾清华大学,后赴美国就读加州伯克莱大学(UC Berkeley)和密西根大学安娜堡(UM Ann Arbor)获得双硕士学位,于2014年在中南财经政法大学工商管理学院市场营销专业博士毕业并获得博士学位。白培铭先生累计20多年在中国、台湾和美国的经验和资源,擅长于进行营销的策略顾问和专业服务。特别在于传播策略、媒体公关、营销模型和数据分析等领域。在2003年就已经发表ARC作为数据营销为基础的白皮书,是业界中早期就关注网络传播、数据收集和自媒体互动的先驱。白先生本人还曾多次为有关贸易杂志撰写并发表有多篇论述营销策略、数据分析和管理等的文章,2014年出版《钻石营销》一书。